Happiness has always been subjective, personal and private. Now, it’s screaming out loud for attention. After 4 decades of aggressively toiling, building and ‘progressing’, it seems that many are experiencing the material and the money but not necessarily the happy that was expected to go with it. Once upon a time we could take happiness for granted. Now, to get happy, you may have to consciously choose to focus on happy if you have any hope of experiencing it.
Happiness is an innate intelligence. It’s good for your health, your relationships and your spirit. It’s a natural source of strength and longevity. It doesn’t matter if you’ve had crappy caregivers, friends, bosses, acquaintances or experiences – anybody can choose to live happy. If you love with passion, you will hurt with passion. If you’ve endured great suffering, you can experience great joy. Ask the many who have suffered grave adversity and are now living happy.
Every individual is a Chief Happiness Officer (CHO). You are the CHO of your own self. The CHO is the livelihood and happy that resides within you. It’s the happy you are wired to experience. The CHO is a concept I utilize in my book, Flow With Your CHO, to relay happiness messages and to promote the happy and the positive!
Flow With Your CHO offers a unique blend of basic psychology, metaphysical laws and energies, widely-accepted spirituality concepts, and lessons I have learned from my own personal adversities and experiences. It aligns the spirit of the individual with the realities of our environment. Flow With Your CHO takes advantage of what we know to enjoy the fruits of our labor.
Flow With Your CHO takes you on an intellectual journey of honesty and self-discovery. It invites you to find your personal happy and to embrace your happiness equilibrium. It’s a mental spa and space that cleanses and rejuvenates your mind to awaken you to living happy. You wouldn’t expect to get physically fit without exercise so why expect to get mentally fit, or happy, if you’re carrying excess mental baggage?
Your mind is your gateway to sustained peace and happiness. Flow With Your CHO reveals how to transition to a happier mindset in order to establish a healthier, happier lifestyle. Success is no longer the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success – for all generations.
Flow With Your CHO polishes the positive of your character so you can put your best happy, forward. It promotes positive interactions and relations to attract the happiest people, situations and opportunities. It guides you in defining what it is that makes you happy and reveals how to optimize positive energies, thoughts and emotions, to build a happy life foundation.
To further assist you in your happiness journey, Flow With Your CHO is proud to share an inventory of happy suggestions and solutions to keep your CHO grounded and balanced.
Flow With Your CHO is for individuals who are happy and want to get happier, and for those who are living sad amongst the masses. It’s for those who have daily gratitude and appreciation for all they have but secretly live in fear or feel a sense of void, emptiness or disappointment. It’s for the individual who feels overwhelmed from the daily grind and struggle, and for all those who want to love themselves and others. And, it’s for all those who care about the future health and wellness of our nation.
Happiness is a personal lifestyle and expression. It’s a gift for each and every one of us. You just have to choose this cherished asset. You are designed to love, laugh and live happy so why settle for just those rare fleeting moments?
Best of all, happiness is magnetic, contagious and effective. Are you ready to face and embrace your Chief Happiness Officer?